Helping first responders support pro football’s Big Game
March 7, 2023

Pro Football’s Big Game is an experience of a lifetime for fans. But the true champions are the first responders who turn out to support them and keep them safe. Thousands of first responders from agencies across jurisdictions came together to make the event a success.
And at a time when people are sharing more content than ever before, the need for public safety to have access to dedicated connectivity has never been more vital.
That’s why public safety has its own network – FirstNet, Built with AT&T. So, they have access to the innovative tools and mission-centric solutions they need, when they need them.
The FirstNet® team at AT&T and the AT&T network team spent over a year preparing for the event. We made extensive network upgrades in and around the stadium.
And as public safety’s true network partner, we gave first responders an unparalleled level of support. For example:
- The FirstNet Response Operations Group – led by former first responders –embedded with public safety to address any immediate needs leading up to and during the Big Game.
- We stationed deployable assets from the dedicated FirstNet fleet for extra redundancy – to help ensure they were ready for the unexpected. This included 4 Satellite Cells on Light Trucks (SatCOLTs), 2 Compact Rapid Deployables (CRDs), 1 Communications Vehicle (CV), 1 Flying COW (Cell on Wings) and 1 robotic dog.
- With always-on priority and, for first responders, preemption capabilities, public safety teams were able to stay connected and operate as safely and effectively as ever.