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App catalog features

Dedicated library of apps, right for you
It is easier than ever to find mobile tools that meet your unique needs.
FirstNet reviews and evaluates every app so you can trust each is relevant, highly secure and reliable.
App uses and benefits
Featured apps
FirstNet Central

Control your network and services
FirstNet is your communications platform so it comes with a growing suite of online resources that give you visibility into network performance and direct control of your services, devices, apps, and user accounts.
Developer program

Innovators building apps that matter
Join the community of developers and public safety influencers who serve first responders.
The FirstNet Dev Portal provides members with resources that enable innovation, interoperability, and an ever growing library of solutions.
*App descriptions and information contained in any linked materials about the apps are created by the app provider and, as such, AT&T and FirstNet do not assume responsibility for the content.
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By clicking Submit, you consent to AT&T sending you email about FirstNet services, products and offers at the address you provide, even if you have previously opted out of receiving AT&T marketing emails.