Developer Program

Accelerate the advancement of public safety by feeding the App Catalog with relevant digital tools


Participants at the inaugural FirstNet Hackathon in 2018.

App Providers

Public safety agencies need (and deserve) solutions that meet their unique needs.

Demonstrate your commitment to our nation’s first responders by submitting your mobile app for FirstNet review, evaluation, and approval.

First Responders

You know tools selected from the App Catalog are vetted and can be trusted as relevant, highly secure and reliable.

So, if you are contemplating a tool not yet included – urge the app provider to submit their app for FirstNet inspection!  


Individuals, firms and agencies who develop, influence or select solutions for public safety agencies should join the FirstNet Developer program.



  • Obtain Security Review

    Receive a thorough security review of your native app binary - at no-cost to you.

  • Gain Instant Credibility

    Approved apps carry the FirstNet badge, so agencies know your product can be trusted.

  • Build with Confidence

    Use world-class development tools and optimize your code to avoid unnecessary drainage of critical device resources.

  • Integrate Critical Features

    Find APIs that offer exclusive FirstNet capabilities and enable interoperability with other popular public safety solutions.

  • Form Valuable Relationships

    Be recognized as a member of the community who serves first responders and identify complimentary products, business opportunities and talented staff.

  • Distinguish Your Product

    Seek extra certification and become FirstNet Certified™ so agencies know they can rely on your app for operationally-critical activities.


  • Policymakers and standard orgs

    Share policies, toolkits and challenges with a community of public safety developers.

  • Public safety agencies

    Connect with technologists who service first responders to spur innovation and broader adoption.

  • Device manufacturers

    Promote developer use of special device features by offering APIs/SDKs and other integration information.

  • Agency IT organizations

    Use the FirstNet inspection process to offer an independent review and certification of your agency app.


Browse your inventory of reviewed and approved digital gear

Download App Catalog Booklet (PDF)

Online App Catalog Inventory

*App descriptions and information contained in any linked materials about the apps are created by the app provider and, as such, AT&T and FirstNet do not assume responsibility for the content.