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Power of FirstNet

The first nationwide network dedicated to public safety is ready to help law enforcement, fire service, and EMS do their jobs safely and effectively.

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Police cars in a San Antonio police substation. San Antonio is home to the Southwest Texas Fusion Center, which uses FirstNet and is instrumental in helping manage big events. Police, EMS and Fire work closely together in the Fusion Center.

For public safety, by public safety

Due to communications challenges during the response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the 9/11 Commission recommended the establishment of a single, interoperable network for public safety. For years, public safety organizations lobbied Congress to make this recommendation a reality. Therefore, when Congress established the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) in 2012, it based its mission on public safety’s express concerns and desires.

To truly design the FirstNet network for public safety by public safety – a distinction that makes it unique in American telecommunications history – FirstNet continuously consults with local, state/territory, tribal and federal public safety agencies across the country.

Over the past several years, FirstNet has collaborated with public safety stakeholders and leadership from each state and territory. Never before has the public safety community had the opportunity to provide input towards the creation of a nationwide broadband network tailored specifically to meet their needs as they save lives and protect communities across the nation.

Witness the power of FirstNet

Firefighter uniform hanging on rack

Why public safety agencies choose FirstNet

Western Fire Chiefs Association President Mark Niemeyer and AT&T COO Jeff McElfresh discuss the needs of public safety and how FirstNet is uniquely equipped to meet them.