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App Catalog Inventory

Coordinate, collaborate and communicate with Response for FirstNet

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Two deputies with the Fresno Sheriff’s Department participate in a search and rescue exercise near Courtright Reservoir. The department recently adopted FirstNet and conducted this exercise using FirstNet devices and a FirstNet deployable.

Cybersecurity training and easy-to-use lesson plans at no cost to you

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Spring, TX fire fighters regroup after a training exercise. The Spring Fire Department has adopted FirstNet in the interest of giving its fire fighters the best technology with which to do their jobs.

Quick access to FirstNet care, device diagnostics and uplift with FirstNet Assist

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Surf Rescue lifeguards and EMTs train by doing a simulation of a swimmer in trouble before the kickoff of the tourist season in Duck, NC. Duck, NC is now on FirstNet and is relying on its connectivity and reliability for first responders doing everyday work such as guarding beaches, as well as for events such as hurricanes.

Make sure your smart devices and data are safe from malicious actors

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San Antonio police officer patrolling.


Dedicated library of apps, right for you

It is easier than ever to find mobile tools that meet your unique needs.

FirstNet reviews and evaluates every app so you can trust each is relevant, highly secure and reliable.


Control your network and services

FirstNet is your communications platform so it comes with a growing suite of online resources that give you visibility into network performance and direct control of your services, devices, apps, and user accounts.


Innovators building apps that matter

Join the community of developers and public safety influencers who serve first responders.

The FirstNet Dev Portal provides members with resources that enable innovation, interoperability, and an ever growing library of solutions.



Need help understanding your choices?

Agencies implement digital tools to satisfy specific needs and goals.

These app groupings help you better understand your choices by viewing popular apps organized by agency need.

Browse your inventory of reviewed and approved digital gear

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Online App Catalog Inventory